Guillaume Lhermie
Associate Professor in
Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Economics
+33 (0)7 68 16 63 04
Guillaume Lhermie is a graduate veterinarian holding a MSc in Economics and a PhD in pharmacology and innovation. He moved to the U.S. for a two-year post-doctoral training in public health and epidemiology, where he was hosted in Yrjo Grohn’s lab. He was afterwards hired as Research Associate in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostics Science at Cornell University.
Before working in academia, Dr. Lhermie worked in private veterinary practice, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry, as R&D project manager and medical director. He is currently Assistant Professor in Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Economics at University of Toulouse.

Research interests
Guillaume Lhermie’s research focuses on One Health and Infectious Diseases issues at the interface of animal agriculture and human health. He is studying the economics of antimicrobial resistance at microeconomics (farm) and macroeconomic (national and global) levels. At the farm level, he conducts cost-benefit analyses of several curative or preventive strategies implemented by farmers, such as alternatives to antimicrobials, veterinary precision medicine, or insurance. At a macroeconomic level, he develops simulation models to evaluate the impact of public policies targeting the reduction of drug inputs in animal agriculture, using dynamic modeling approaches of production systems. His most recent research emphasis has been studying antimicrobial use and resistance as a sustainability challenge, in which he developed qualitative and quantitative models aiming at analyzing the impact of antimicrobial use on social-ecological systems, and communicating to policymakers. His research interests also focus on the strategic interactions of stakeholders at the frontiers of the agricultural system and human community. Overall, Dr Lhermie is interested in assessing the efficiency of public policies, under a One Health umbrella.
Guillaume Lhermie’s teaching activities consist of a regular course in Animal Health Economics for undergraduate veterinarians and Master students; a regular course in Agricultural Economics for undergraduate veterinarians; and Systems Thinking in Veterinary Public Health Economics for Executives. He is in charge of coordinating the educational module data analysis and cattle production to be distributed to undergraduate veterinarians.
PhD, Epidemiology, Innovation, Pharmacology, University of Nantes, France (2015) Thesis title: evaluation of alternative protocols for the treatment of bovine respiratory disease : impact on public health, antimicrobial consumption and therapeutic efficacy.
Master in Research – Agricultural Economics and Sustainable Development, Montpellier Supagro INRA, France (2010) Master thesis title: veterinary medicine drugs demand in food animal production.
Political Science BA, Sciences po Toulouse, France (2010)
Internship, Large Animal Medicine, National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France (2006)
Veterinary Medicine Doctorate, National veterinary School of Toulouse, France (2005) Thesis title: sustainable prescription and delivery of veterinary medicines: the example of a good practices guideline, summa cum laudae.
Leadership and professional training
Regular courses:
Resource Economics (AEM 7500), Cornell University (2019)
Environmental Economics (AEM 7510), Cornell University (2018)
Cost Benefit Analysis (PAM 5300), Cornell University (2017)
Animal Experimentation Diploma, Oniris Veterinary School of Nantes, France (2013)
Joint Criminal-Epidemiological investigations Course, FBI (2019)
Inclusive teaching Institute, Cornell University (2017)
Food systems modeling short course, Cornell University (2017)
Working in intercultural environment, Vetoquinol (2014)
Advanced management, Vetoquinol (2014)
Public policy analysis, University of Lyon (2012)
Public affairs management, Sciences Po Paris (2009)
Communication strategies, Celsa Paris Sorbonne (2009)
Research experience
2019 – Present: Associate Professor, National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France
Research focus: Veterinary public health and animal health economics (Epidemiology and economics lab)
Teaching focus: Systems thinking, Animal health economics
2019 – Present: Adjunct Professor, Cornell University, USA
Research focus: One Health and infectious disease epidemiology and economics
Teaching focus: Systems thinking
2018 – 2019: Research Associate, Cornell University, USA
Yrjo Grohn’s lab. Research focus: economic analysis of the use of pharmaceutical medicines for the treatment of infectious diseases. Public policies impact assessments and herd level cost-benefit analysis.
2017-2018: Post-doctoral Associate, Cornell University, USA
Yrjo Grohn’s lab – epidemiology, economics, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases
2012-2017: Head of Medical Department, Food producing animals, Vetoquinol, France
Research project manager, Nantes University and Vetoquinol, France (joint appointment)
Associate director of Business unit, Vetoquinol, France
2008-2012: Medical manager, Vetoquinol, France
Other appointments
Group member, Economic Reasoning to Improve Animal Health, INRA (2015-present)
The aim of the ERIAH group is to encourage the use of economics as a complimentary tool to biology for improving animal health in animal agriculture, at the herd and national scales. The groups gathers people from academia and private companies 4 times a year for debating.
Administrative board member, National Veterinary School of Toulouse alumni 2016-present)
Project member, Living with resistance working group, University of Maryland (2016-2018)
The focus of the Pursuit of the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) is to advance socio-ecological understanding of resistance governance across sectors of society, and make this state-of-the-art knowledge on emergence and governance widely available to policy makers and the public via policy briefs and an interactive web-platform.
Advisor, committee for education of veterinary students, French Ministry of Agriculture (2017)
Group member, Pharmaceutical regulation group, SIMV (2010-2016)
The group is part of the French Syndicate of Animal Medicines (SIMV), gathering 27 companies with a turnover of more than $B1.2.
Group vice president, antibiotics and public health, SIMV (2010-2016)
Team leader, Udder Health and Milk Quality group, SNGTV (2006-2010)
The group is part of the French Association of Bovine Practitioners (SNGTV).
Teaching experience
Courses taught to students
2019: University of Toulouse, National veterinary School – Animal Health Economics: Methods and applications (25 hours)
2019: University of Toulouse, National veterinary School – Population Medicine in Ruminant Production: from data analysis to herd decision-making: Course leader (20 hours)
2019: Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine – ED 5400 Foundation Course IV: Host, Agent, and Defense (foundation course for veterinary students): tutor (60 hours), facilitator for lab (2 hours).
2018: Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine – ED 5400 Foundation Course IV: Host, Agent, and Defense (foundation course for veterinary students): tutor (60 hours), facilitator for lab (2 hours).
Mentoring of Veterinary and Undergraduate students
2019: Hackathon, Cornell University
2018: Hackathon, Cornell University
Mentoring of trainees
2019: National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France: Pierre Sauvage, DVM thesis. Impact économique d’une baisse de l’usage des antibiotiques en élevage allaitant.
2018: National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France: Raphael Lagarde, DVM thesis. Analyse du service médical rendu en médecine vétérinaire.
2018: University of Nancy, France : Maya Legras, Pharm PhD. Impact des politiques publiques dans le développement d’alternatives au traitement par antibiotiques face à l’antibiorésistance dans le domaine animal.
2017: University of Toulouse, France : Ismaël HIMA, M1, Economics : Approche économique de l’antibiorésistance en santé animale.
2016: University of Toulouse, France : Junhyun KIM, M2. Agro-Food Chain: What are behind the contract between veterinarians and pharmaceutical companies? The case of France.
2016: National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France: Thomas Serrand, DVM thesis. Usage des antibiotiques en élevage bovin en France de 2008 à 2013 (SIMV award).
2015: National Veterinary School of Nantes, France: Pauline Bezard, DVM thesis. Impacts cliniques et zootechniques en conditions de terrain d’une stratégie de traitement des bronchopneumonies infectieuses alliant une détection précoce et un traitement précoce chez les jeunes bovins en Pays de la Loire.
2015: National Veterinary School of Nantes, France: Celine Fouque, DVM thesis. Consommation d’antibiotiques lors de bronchopneumonies infectieuses des jeunes bovins selon deux stratégies.
2015: National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France: Pierre Frein, DVM thesis. Comparaison de la réponse en termes de sécrétion de progestérone et de dynamique ovarienne à la gonadoréline, à la léciréline et à la buséréline chez des génisses Prim’Holstein (SIMV award).
2014: University of Toulouse, France : Boubacar Amadou, M2, Decisional statistics. Usages des antibiotiques en France entre 2008 et 2014.
2014: National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France: Diane Pacalin, DVM thesis. Infection expérimentale du veau pré-ruminant par Mannheimia haemolytica: influence de la précocité d’un traitement antibiotique utilisant la marbofloxacine sur l’évolution de l’infection.
Courses taught to executives
2019: Animal Health Economics: Methods and applications for rural practitioners
Four days’ workshop on basic concepts in animal health economics, production economics, environmental economics and behavioral economics. Lab to realize economic evaluation (partial budgeting, modeling) Teaching material include lectures, cases resolution, using computational techniques.
Audience: veterinarians.
2014-2016: Animal Health economics
One and half day workshop on basic concepts in animal health economics, and tutorial on how to realize economic evaluation in farms with available data. Teaching material include lectures, cases resolution, using computational techniques.
Audience: veterinarians.
2010-2014: Population medicine
One-day workshop on milk quality and udder health, epidemiological indicators, associated with a farm visit for clinical case resolution.
Audience: veterinarians.
2014-2016: Agricultural markets
Interactive half-day seminar for basic understanding of agricultural markets and macroeconomy
Audience: health industry managers and sales representatives.
2014-2016: Regulation of pharmaceuticals
Lectures (3×2 hours) presenting the pharmaceutical system, the drug development process, and regulations supervising development and sale of medicines in animal health sector.
Audience: health industry managers and veterinarians.
Grant review
2018 Food for Thought Guelph University, Canada
Scientific journal review
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Journal of Dairy Science
Microbial Drug Resistance
Veterinary Record
Zoonoses and Public Health
Scientific Reports
BMC Veterinary Research
Registered expert for European Union (Veterinary Public Health, Animal Health Economics)
Professional society membership
Federation of Veterinarians of Europe
Ordre national des Veterinaires, France
Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis
Publications & Presentations
Selected publications
- Lhermie G., Wernli D., Søgaard Jørgensen P., Kenkel D., Tauer LW., Gröhn Y. (2019) Tradeoffs between resistance to antimicrobials in public health and their use in agriculture: Moving towards sustainability assessment. Ecological Economics.
- Lhermie G., Wernli D., Jorgensen PS., Kenkel D., Tauer LW., Gröhn Y. (2019) Global resistance to antimicrobials and their sustainable use in agriculture. The Lancet Planetary Health.
- Lhermie G., Grohn YT., Serrand T., Sans P., Raboisson D. (2019) How do veterinarians influence sales of antimicrobials? A spatial-temporal analysis of the French prescribing-delivery complex in cattle. Zoonoses and Public Health.
- Minviel J.J., Abdouttalib I., Sans P., Ferchiou A., Boluda C., Portal J., Lhermie G., Raboisson D. (2019) Business models of the French veterinary offices in rural areas and regulation of veterinary drug delivery. Preventive Veterinary Medicine.
- Lhermie G., Gröhn Y., Raboisson D. (2017) Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance: An Overview of Priority Actions to Prevent Suboptimal Antimicrobial Use in Food-Animal Production. Frontiers in Microbiology
See more
Forthcoming articles
Ahmed Ferchiou, Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson. New standards in stochastic simulations of dairy cow disease modelling: bio-economic dynamic optimization for rational health management decision-making
Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson,, Agnes Waret-Szkuta, Piero Conforti, Scott Newman, Ugo Pica-Ciamarra. Impact of Peste des Petits Ruminants for sub-Saharan African farmers: a bioeconomic household production model
Leslie Verteramo Chiu, Loren William Tauer, Guillaume Lhermie, Karun Kaniyamattam, Yrjo Tapio Grohn. Benefits of preconditioning cattle over metaphylaxis treatment on arrival at feedlots.
Leslie J. Verteramo Chiu, Jie Li, Guillaume Lhermie, Casey Cazer. Analysis of the Demand for Pet Insurance among Uninsured Pet Owners in the U.S.
Peer-reviewed articles
Guillaume Lhermie, Pierre Sauvage, Leslie Verteramo Chiu, Didier Raboisson, Harvey Morgan Scott, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Grohn. Economic effects of policy options restricting antimicrobial use for high risk cattle placed in U.S. feedlot. 2020 Plos One https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0239135
Didier Raboisson, Guillaume Lhermie. Living with COVID-19: a systemic and multi-criteria approach to enact evidence-based health policy. 2020. Front. Public Health doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00294
Didier Raboisson, Ahmed Ferchiou, Pierre Sans, Guillaume Lhermie, Marie Derville. The economics of antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine: Optimizing societal benefits through mesoeconomic approaches from public and private perspectives. 2020. One Health https://doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2020.100145
Karun Kaniyamattam, Julia Hertl, Guillaume Lhermie, Uri Tasch, Robert Dyer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. Cost benefit analysis of automatic lameness detection systems in dairy herds: A dynamic programming approach. 2020 Preventive Veterinary Medicine Apr 10;178:104993. Doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2020.104993.
Peter Søgaard Jørgensen , Carl Folke, Patrik J.G. Henriksson, Karin Malmros, Max Troell, Anna Zorzet; Living with Resistance project(Athena Aktipis, Zachary Brown, Yves Carrière, Sharon Downes, Robert R. Dunn, Graham Epstein, George Frisvold, Yrjö Gröhn, GovindTikaramsa Gujar, David Hawthorne, Dusan Jasovsky, Eili Y. Klein, Franziska Klein, Guillaume Lhermie, David Mota-Sanchez, Celso Omoto, H. Morgan Scott, Didier Wernli, Scott P. Carroll). Coevolutionary Governance of Antibiotic and Pesticide Resistance. 2020. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2020.01.011
Guillaume Lhermie, Roberto La Ragione, Scott Weese, John Olsen, Luca Guardabassi. Indications for the use of highest priority critically important antimicrobials in the veterinary sector. 2020. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Doi: 10.1093/jac/dkaa104
Didier Raboisson, Ahmed Ferchiou, Beate Pinior, Thomas Gauthier, Pierre Sans, Guillaume Lhermie. 2020. The Use of Meta-Analysis for the Measurement of Animal Disease Burden: Losses Due to Clinical Mastitis as an Example. Front. Vet. Sci. 7:149. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00149
Sarah N. Robbins, Robert Goggs, Guillaume Lhermie, Denise F. Lalonde-Paul, Julie Menard. 2020. Antimicrobial Prescribing Practices in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care. Front. Vet. Sci., 28 February 2020. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2020.00110
Casey Cazer, Erin Eldermire, Guillaume Lhermie, Sarah Murray, H. Morgan Scott, Yrjo Grohn. 2020. The effect of tylosin on antimicrobial resistance in beef cattle enteric bacteria: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 176 (2020) 104934 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2020.104934
Guillaume Lhermie, Yrjö Tapio Gröhn, Thomas Serrand, Pierre Sans, Didier Raboisson. 2019. How do veterinarians influence use patterns of antimicrobials? A spatial-temporal analysis of the French prescribing-delivery complex in cattle. Zoonoses Public Health. 2019 Dec 23. doi: 10.1111/zph.12678.
Jean Joseph Minviel, Ikram Abdouttalib, Pierre Sans, Ahmed Ferchiou, Cédric Boluda, Justine Portal, Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson. 2019. Business models of the French veterinary structures in rural areas and regulation of veterinary drug delivery. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Volume 173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2019.104804
Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Wernli, Peter Søgaard Jørgensen, Donald Kenkel, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. 2019. Tradeoffs between resistance to antimicrobials in public health and their use in agriculture: Moving towards sustainability assessment. Ecological Economics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106427
Guillaume Lhermie, Leslie Verteramo Chiu, Karun Kaniyamattam, Loren William Tauer, Harvey Morgan Scott, Yrjö Tapio Gröhn. 2019. Antimicrobial policies in beef production: choosing the right instruments to reduce antimicrobial use and resistance under structural and market constraints. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2019.00245
Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Wernli, Peter Søgaard Jørgensen, Donald Kenkel, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. 2019. Global resistance to antimicrobials catalyzes the need to assess their sustainable use in agriculture: a social-ecological systems approach. The Lancet Planetary Health. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(18)30251-1
Christian Ducrot, Cécile Adam, Florence Beaugrand, Catherine Belloc, Julie Bluhm, Claire Chauvin, Marina Cholton, Lucie Collineau, Julien Faisnel, Nicolas Fortane, Brigitte Frappat, Florence Hellec, Anne Hemonic, Nathalie Joly, Guillaume Lhermie, Marie-Angélina. Magne, Mathilde Paul, Axelle Poizat, Didier Raboisson, Nathalie Rousset. 2018. Apport de la sociologie à l’étude de la réduction d’usage des antibiotiques en élevage. INRA Productions Animales, 31(4), 307-324. https://doi.org/10.20870/productions-animales.2018.31.4.2395
Peter Søgaard Jørgensen, Carl Folke, Patrik J. G. Henriksson, Karin Malmros, Max Troell, Anna Zorzet, Athena Aktipis, Zachary Brown,; Yves Carrière, Sharon Downes, Robert R. Dunn, Graham Epstein, Yrjö Gröhn, Govind Tikaramsa Gujar, David Hawthorne, Dusan Jasovsky, Eili Y. Klein, Franziska Klein, Guillaume Lhermie, David Mota-Sanchez, Celso Omoto, Maja Schlüter, H. Morgan Scott, Didier Wernli, Scott P. Carroll. 2018. Promoting antibiotic and pesticide susceptibility to preserve an Anthropocene operating space. Nature sustainability https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-018-0164-3
Guillaume Lhermie, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. 2018. The farm cost of decreasing antimicrobial use in dairy production. PLoS One. Mar 22;13(3):e0194832. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194832. eCollection 2018
Guillaume Lhermie, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. 2018. Hot topic: do antimicrobials matter? An assessment of the costs of antimicrobial use restrictions on the U.S. dairy market. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. Volume 160, Pages 63-67. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2018.09.028
Guillaume Lhermie, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn, and Didier Raboisson 2017. Addressing Antimicrobial Resistance: An Overview of Priority Actions to Prevent Suboptimal Antimicrobial Use in Food-Animal Production. Front Microbiol. 2017 Jan 6;7:2114. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.02114. eCollection 2016. Review.
Guillaume Lhermie, Farid El Garch, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Aude A. Ferran, Alain Bousquet-Mélou, and Sebastien Assié. 2017. Implementing Precision Antimicrobial Therapy for the Treatment of Bovine Respiratory Disease: Current Limitations and Perspectives. Front Vet Sci. 2017 Aug 29;4:143. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2017.00143. eCollection 2017.
Guillaume Lhermie, Veronique Dupouy, Farid El Garch, Nadine Ravinet, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Alain Bousquet-Mélou, Henri Seegers, and Sebastien Assie. 2017. Impact of Low and High Doses of Marbofloxacin on the Selection of Resistant Enterobacteriaceae in the Commensal Gut Flora of Young Cattle: Discussion of Data from 2 Study Populations. Foodborne Pathog Dis. 2017 Mar;14(3):152-159. doi: 10.1089/fpd.2016.2176. Epub 2017 Jan 10.
Guillaume Lhermie, Aude Ferran, Sebastien Assie, Herve Cassard, Farid El Garch, Marc Schneider, Frederique Woehrle, Diane Pacalin, Maxence Delverdier, Alain Bousquet-Melou and Gilles Meyer. 2016. Impact of timing and dosage of a fluoroquinolone treatment on the microbiological, pathological and clinical outcomes of calves challenged with Mannheimia haemolytica. Front Microbiol. 2016 Mar 2;7:237. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00237. eCollection 2016.
Guillaume Lhermie, Farid El Garch, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Aude A. Ferran, and Alain Bousquet-Mélou.2015. Bacterial species-specific activity of a fluoroquinolone against two closely related Pasteurellaceae with similar MICs. Differential in vitro inoculum effects and in vivo efficacies. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 27;10(10):e0141441. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141441. eCollection 2015.
Guillaume Lhermie, Aude Ferran, Sebastien Assie, Herve Cassard, Farid El Garch, Marc Schneider, Frederique Woehrle, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Alain Bousquet-Melou and Gilles Meyer. 2015. Evaluation of the influence of treatment time and antibiotic dosage regimen on bacterial burden and clinical outcomes in experimentally infected calves with Mannheimia haemolytica. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2015;38:3-3
Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson, Stéphane Krebs, Pierre Dupraz. 2015. Facteurs déterminants et leviers de réduction de l’usage des antibiotiques en productions animales. Revue de la Société Française d’Economie Rurale
Nicole Picard-Hagen, Guillaume Lhermie, Simon Florentin, Delphine Merle, Pierre Frein, and Véronique Gayrard. 2015. Comparison of LH and progesterone profiles and dynamic follicular in response to gonadorelin, lecirelin and buserelin in cattle. Theriogenology. 2015 Jul 15;84(2):177-83. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.03.004. Epub 2015 Mar 14.
Other publications
Guillaume Lhermie, Pierre Sans, Ahmed Ferchiou, Didier Raboisson. Perspective socio-économique des politiques publiques encourageant l’usage raisonné des antibiotiques en élevage. Innovations Agronomiques 2019 ;77 : 85-90. dx.doi.org/10.15454/19tm-q942
Guillaume Lhermie, Pierre Alexandre Perrin, Erik Grandemange. 2015. Experimental and field evaluation of marbofloxacin for the treatment of acute mastitis. Bulletin des GTV 2015; 77: 85-92.
Ellen Schmitt Van De Leemput, Nicolas Gaudout, Olivier Samson, Daniel Lhuillier, Guillaume Lhermie. 2013. Comparaison de deux méthodes d’identification bactériennes pour l’isolement des germes de mammites cliniques en clientèle. Le Point Vétérinaire 2013 ; 335 :58-61
Guillaume Lhermie. 2008. Traitement en lactation des infections intramammaires subcliniques : pertinence économique et thérapeutique. Bulletin des GTV 2008; 46: 63-68
Ellen Schmitt Van De Leemput, Guillaume Lhermie, Ruud Jorritsma. 2006. La biopsie hépatique à la portée du praticien. Le Point Vétérinaire 2006; 269 : 60-63
Guillaume Lhermie, Ruud Jorritsma, Ellen Schmitt Van De Leemput. 2006. Biopsie du foie et recherche de stéatose. Le Point Vétérinaire 2006; 267 : 24-27
Scientific presentations as an invited speaker
2019: Economic and Structural Consequences of Removing Antimicrobials: Will Farmers Organize the Resistance? Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. December 2019
2019: Aspects économiques de l’utilisation des antibiotiques.INRA, Paris, France. June 2019
2019: An economic perspective of antimicrobial use and resistance in animal agriculture.University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. May 2019
2016: Optimizing antibiotic use in the treatment of bovine respiratory disease.Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. November 2016
Other scientific presentations
2020: Maiara Costa,Didier Raboisson, Guillaume Lhermie. Evaluating the societal acceptability of strategies reducing antimicrobial use by Multi Criteria Decision Analysis: a pilot study applied to the French dairy sector. World Buiatrics Congress, Madrid, Spain. October 2020
2020: Didier Raboisson Ahmed Ferchiou, Guillaume Lhermie. Health management optimization for rational decision: application to mastitis management. World Buiatrics Congress, Madrid, Spain. October 2020
2020: Ikram Abdouttalib, Ahmed Ferchiou, Jonathan Cavex, Jean-Joseph Minviel, Pierre Sans, Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson. Estimating veterinary time required to perform veterinary acts in routine using regression analysis. International Society for Economics and Social Science of animal health, Copenhagen, Denmark. September 2020
2020: Ahmed Ferchiou, Guillaume Lhermie, Manon Tassain, Pierre Sans, Didier Raboisson. Marginal cost of changing the voluntary waiting period reasoning to define an optimal reproduction management strategy. International Society for Economics and Social Science of animal health, Copenhagen, Denmark. September 2020
2020: Ahmed Ferchiou, Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson. Resources allocation and resources competition at the farm level: a new bio-economic modelling framework to account for multi-criteria decision in animal health management. International Congress of the French Association for Political Economics, Toulouse, France. July 2020
2019: Imen Bouzid, Ahmed Ferchiou, Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson. Simulation de la prise de décision des éleveurs pour la réduction d’usage d’antibiotiques : approche par la modélisation bioéconomique. Journées de recherche en sciences sociales, Bordeaux, France. December 2019
2019: Guillaume Lhermie, Leslie Verteramo Chiu, Karun Kaniyamattam, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. Antimicrobial policies in beef production: choosing the right instruments to reduce antimicrobial resistance under structural and market constraints. International Society for Economics and Social Science of animal health, Atlanta, USA. December 2019
2019: Karun Kaniyamattam, Julia Hertl, Uri Tasch, Dan Tasch, Nagaraj Neerchal, Robert Dyer, Guillaume Lhermie, Yrjö T. Gröhn. Cost-benefit analysis of automatic detection of lameness in dairy cows using dynamic programming International Society for Economics and Social Science of animal health, Atlanta, USA. July 2019
2019: Guillaume Lhermie, Pierre Sans, Ahmed Ferchiou, Didier Raboisson. Perspective socio-économique des politiques publiques encourageant l’usage raisonné des antibiotiques en élevage. Risk Management in Agriculture, INRA conference. Paris, France. June 2019
2019: Jean Joseph Minviel, Ahmed Ferchiou, Guillaume Lhermie, Pierre Sans, and Didier Raboisson. Economic modelling of veterinary accounting data. SVEPM. Utrecht, Netherlands. March 2019
2018: Jean Joseph Minviel, Ahmed Ferchiou, Guillaume Lhermie, Pierre Sans, and Didier Raboisson. Economic modelling of veterinary accounting data. Economic modelling of veterinary accounting data. SFER, Rennes, France. December 2018
2018: Guillaume Lhermie, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. 2018. Assessing the aggregate market costs of restrictions on antimicrobial use in U.S. dairy production. International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2018
2018: Casey Cazer, Guillaume Lhermie, Erin Eldermire, Sarah Murray, H. Morgan Scott, Yrjo Grohn. The effect of tylosin on antimicrobial resistance in beef cattle enteric bacteria Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 2018
2018: Guillaume Lhermie, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. Sustainable antimicrobial use in cattle medicine and public health impacts World Buiatrics Congress, Sapporo, Japan, October 2018
2018: Guillaume Lhermie, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. From dairy farm to consumer: Analysis of the impacts of policies mitigating antimicrobial use in dairy production International Society for economics and social science of animal health, Montpellier, France. May 2018
2018: Guillaume Lhermie, Donald Kenkel, Charles Nicholson, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. A Dynamic Systems Assessment of Benefits and Costs of Policies to Regulate Antimicrobial Use in U.S. Animal Agriculture Annual Conference of the Benefit –costs analysis society, Washington D.C. USA. March 2018
2017: Guillaume Lhermie, Donald Kenkel, Charles Nicholson, Lori Leonard, Loren William Tauer, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. Sustainable Antimicrobial Use in Animal Agriculture and Public Health Impacts Atkinson Center for Sustainability workshop, Ithaca, USA. October 2017
2017: Guillaume Lhermie, Charles Nicholson, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn. Sustainable antimicrobial use in bovine practice: a systems dynamic approach European Buiatrics Forum, Bilbao, Spain. October 2017
2017: Guillaume Lhermie, Leonard Theron, Didier Raboisson. Veterinary precision medicine: an opportunity for cattle practitioners? European Buiatrics Forum, Bilbao, Spain. October 2017
2017: Didier Raboisson, Guillaume Lhermie, Du bon usage de l’économie dans la prise de décision de la santé animale au quotidien en élevage. Journées Nationales des GTV, Nantes, France. May 2017.
2017: Guillaume Lhermie, Yrjo Tapio Gröhn, and Didier Raboisson .Fighting antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine: assessment of European public policies in food-animal production and measures to address. International Society for economics and social science of animal health, Inverness, Scotland. May 2017
2017: Didier Raboisson, Marie Dervillé, Ismaël Hima, Guillaume Lhermie. The economics of antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine: a conceptual approach. International Society for economics and social science of animal health, Inverness, Scotland. May 2017
2017: Guillaume Lhermie, Alain Bousquet-Mélou, Henri Seegers, Sebastien Assié. Field application of precision antimicrobial therapy for the treatment of BRD: a question of effectiveness and efficiency. European congress for precision livestock farming, Nantes, France. September 2017
2016: Guillaume Lhermie, Farid El Garch, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Aude A. Ferran, Alain Bousquet-Mélou, and Sebastien Assié. Efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of an alternative treatment protocol of bovine respiratory disease with reduced amount of antimicrobials. World Buiatrics Congress, Dublin, Ireland. October 2016
2016: Guillaume Lhermie, Pierre-Alexandre Perrin,Angelique Paulin, Marc Schneider, Frederique Woerhle. Kinetics of benzyl penicillin in milk after intramuscular injection of PERMACYL® et STOP M® in dairy cows Journées Nationales des GTV, Nantes, France. May 2016
2015: Guillaume Lhermie, Farid El Garch, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Alain Bousquet-Mélou, Henri Seegers, and Sebastien Assié. Impact of a decreased antimicrobial therapy at early stage of spontaneous bovine pneumonia cases on antimicrobial consumption and therapeutic efficacy. International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Conference, Cancun, Mexico. November 2015
2015: Guillaume Lhermie, Henri Seegers, Alain Bousquet-Mélou, and Sebastien Assié. Impact of an alternative protocol to treat bovine respiratory disease, using decreased antimicrobial regimen on therapeutic efficacy and antimicrobial consumption. European Buiatrics Forum, Rome, Italy. October 2015
2015: Guillaume Lhermie, Veronique Dupouy, Farid El Garch, Nadine Ravinet, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Alain Bousquet-Mélou, Henri Seegers, Sebastien Assie. Impact of low and high antimicrobial regimen on selection of resistant bacteria in commensal gut flora of young bulls treated for bovine respiratory disease. European Buiatrics Forum, Rome, Italy. October 2015
2015: Guillaume Lhermie, Aude Ferran, Farid El Garch, Marc Schneider, Frédérique Woerhlé, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Alain Bousquet-Melou, Gilles Meyer. Evaluation of the influence of treatment time and antibiotic dosage regimen on bacterial burden and clinical outcomes in experimentally infected calves with Mannheimia haemolytica. European Association of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology congress, Nantes, France. July 2015
2015: Diane Pacalin, Guillaume Lhermie, Gilles Meyer. Influence of dosage regimen and treatment timing on bacteriological and clinical cure in a randomized control trial with calves presenting respiratory infection treated with fluroquinolone. Journées Nationales des GTV, Nantes, France May 2015
2015: Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson, Stéphane Krebs, Pierre Dupraz Assessing the impact of measures to decrease antimicrobial use in livestock production: example of the french public policies. International One health conference congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands. March 2015
2014: Guillaume Lhermie, Aude Ferran, Farid El Garch, Gilles Meyer, Alain Bousquet-Melou
Influence of Pasteurellaceae species and dose regimen on in vitro activity an in vivo efficacy of a fluoroquinolone treatment. Conference of Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine, Berlin, Germany. September 2014
2014: Nicole Picard-Hagen, Guillaume Lhermie, Jean Sebastien Laizeau, Simon Florentin, Pierre Frein, Delphine Merle – Veronique Gayrard. Comparaison des profils de LH et de progestérone et de la dynamique folliculaire en réponse à la gonadoréline, la léciréline et la buséréline chez la vache. Journées Nationales des GTV, Nantes, France May 2014
2014: Guillaume Lhermie, Aude Ferran, Diane Pacalin, Frédérique Woerhlé, Alain Bousquet-Melou, Gilles Meyer. Impact of early versus later fluoroquinolone treatment on the clinical and microbiological outcomes in calves challenged with Mannheimia haemolytica. World Buiatrics Congress, Cairns, Australia. July 2014
2014: Nicole Picard-Hagen, Guillaume Lhermie, Simon Florentin, Jean-Sébastien Laizeau, Pierre Frein, Véronique Gayrard. Comparison of LH and progesterone profiles and dynamic follicular in response to gonadorelin, lecirelin and buserelin in cattle. World Buiatrics Congress, Cairns, Australia. July 2014
2014: Nicole Picard-Hagen, Guillaume Lhermie, Jean Sebastien Laizeau, Simon Florentin, Pierre Frein, Delphine Merle – Veronique Gayrard. Comparaison des profils de LH et de progestérone et de la dynamique folliculaire en réponse à la gonadoréline, la léciréline et la buséréline chez la vache. Journées Nationales des GTV, Nantes, France May 2014
2014: Guillaume Lhermie, Diane Pacalin, Aude Ferran, Alain Bousquet-Melou, Gilles Meyer
Influence de la dose et de la précocité d’un traitement antibiotique avec une fluoroquinolone sur la guérison bactériologique après infection a Mannheimia haemolytica chez le veau. Colloque international francophone de microbiologie animale (CIFMA), Toulouse, France May 2014
2014: Guillaume Lhermie, Farid El Garch, Pierre-Louis Toutain, Aude A. Ferran, and Alain Bousquet-Mélou. Etude In Vitro Et In Vivo de l’activité de la Marbofloxacine contre Pasteurella Multocida et Mannheimia Haemolytica. Colloque international francophone de microbiologie animale (CIFMA), Toulouse, France May 2014
2013: Marie-Laure Eichinger, Guillaume Lhermie, Claire Becker. Comparison of the assessment of sanitary quality of colostrum by two methods. European Buiatrics Forum, Marseille, France. October 2013
2010: Guillaume Lhermie. Industrie pharmaceutique et praticiens : des partenaires de services, au-delà du marché du médicament vétérinaire. Journées Nationales des GTV, Lille, France. May 2010
2007: Jacqueline Bastien, Guillaume Lhermie, Olivier Salat. Démarche pratique de traitement des infections mammaires à staphylococcus aureus. Short communication Journées Nationales des GTV, Nantes, France. May 2007
Other publications on ResearchGate.
Fundings, honors and awards
Funded proposals
2021 Private-public Partnership: Added value of a precision medicine tool piloting health in dairy production. €240,000 Principal investigator: Lhermie
2020 French Ministry of Agriculture: Economic approaches of vaccination for preventing bovine respiratory disease. €70,000 Co-PI: Lhermie (PI: Raboisson)
2020 French Ministry of Agriculture: Economic evaluation of policies targeting antimicrobial use reduction in the pig sector. €79,000 Principal investigator: Lhermie
2020 FAO: Economic impact of Peste des Petits Ruminants in sub-Saharan Africa. €30,000 Principal investigator: Lhermie
2020 INRA: Exploring system dynamics to move forward a sustainable use of antimicrobials in agriculture. €4,000 Principal investigator: Lhermie
2019 Private-public Partnership: Analyse des modèles d’affaires des structures vétérinaires en France. €35,000 Co-PI: Lhermie (PI: Raboisson)
2019 European Union : Roadmap- Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production. $200,000 Co-investigator: Lhermie (PI: Fortane)
2019 USDA NIFA: Evaluating options to decrease antimicrobial use in cattle production: cost-benefit analysis using agent based modeling. $89,000 Co-investigator: Lhermie (PI: Tauer)
2017 Atkinson center for a Sustainable future: Sustainable antimicrobial use in animal agriculture and public health impacts: a socio-ecological system approach. $123,317, 2017-2019. Co-investigator: Lhermie (PI: Grohn)
2012 INRA-Vetoquinol: Evaluation of alternative protocols for the treatment of bovine respiratory disease. $350,000. Co-PI: Lhermie (PI: Seegers)
Submitted proposals
2020 Submitted proposal (pending): French National Research Agency: BACTODIAG: Toward a better management of antibiotic resistance in human and veterinary medicines : from genotypic and phenotypic strain characterization to diagnostic tests. $2,900,000 Co-PI: Lhermie (PI: Junot)
2020 Submitted proposal (pending): French Ministry of Agriculture: Economic evaluation of strategies to control bovine tuberculosis in France. €120,000 Co-PI: Lhermie (PI: Raboisson)
2019 Submitted proposal : Atkinson center for a Sustainable future: Curbing multidrug resistant infections in rural and urban populations: from machine learning to game theory. $127,217 Co-investigator: Lhermie (PI: Grohn)
2018 Submitted proposal: USDA NIFA: Resistance footprint of Antimicrobial use on dairy farms. $500,000 Co-investigator: Lhermie (PI: Grohn)
2018 Submitted proposal: CDC: Design, implementation, and evaluation of an antimicrobial stewardship education strategy in veterinary medicine $163,907 Co-investigator: Lhermie (PI: Grohn)
2017 Submitted proposal: USDA NIFA: Antimicrobial use and resistance on dairy farms: a systems approach to reduce antimicrobial resistance for animal and public health. $1,183,317 Co-investigator: Lhermie (PI: Grohn)
Honors and awards
2019 Workshop on Human Dimensions of Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture. University of Maryland. Invited participant
2017 Pursuit: Living with resistance. National Socio-environmental Synthesis Center. Invited participant
2016 Syndicat des Industriels du medicament Veterinaire: Best Veterinary thesis: Thomas Serrand (supervisor G. Lhermie)
2015 Syndicat des Industriels du medicament Veterinaire: Best Veterinary thesis: Pierre Frein (supervisor G. Lhermie)
2015 International One health conference congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Selected poster communication
June 2020 : The School of Public Policy, University of Calgary. System approach for efficient policies: lessons learned from antimicrobial resistance and health management
Avril 2018 : Bovine Veterinarian. Cornell Research: Moderate Cost for No Antibiotics in Dairy