Here you can find our main achievements so far, stay tuned for more!
Our research projects

DairyHealthSim is a new bio-economic sequential optimization model, and one of the main projects of the team.
C2Benef is part of the Ecoantibio 3 plan of the french Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty against antimicrobian resistances in veterinary medicine. The aim of C2Benef is assess the costs and benefits of practices to reduce antibiotic use for swines and cattle.
The European Partnership Animal Health & Welfare goal is to progress Europe towards healthy and sustainable livestock production systems including the reduction of anti-microbial usage, and to greatly improve production animal welfare.
The TerrAELait project is funded by the Occitanie region of France. It is a 3-year cooperative project which aims to identify the obstacles and levers to an agro-ecological re-regionalisation of the Occitanie dairy industry.

AMAGRI brings together economic and social science researchers who, through a range of projects, are studying the way antibiotics are used in agriculture.
Roadmap is a 4-year EU-funded project that will foster transitions towards prudent antimicrobial use (AMU) in animal production in a large variety of contexts, by favouring a rethinking of antimicrobial decision-systems all along the food supply chain.
Five selected publications a year
For this year 2024
Sucena Afonso, J., El Tholth, M., Mcintyre, K.M, Carmo, L.P, Coyne, L., Manriquez, D., Raboisson, D., Lhermie, G. and Rushton, J. (2024) Strategies to reduce antimicrobials in livestock and aquaculture, and their impact under field conditions: a structured scoping literature review. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
Malik, M.I, Jonker, A., Raboisson, D., Song, B., Rashid, M.A and Sun, X. (2024) Effects of dietary chromium supplementation on blood biochemical parameters in dairy cows: A multilevel meta-analytical approach. Journal of Dairy Science.
New documents to be published, keep up to date!
In 2023
Abdelli, A., Raboisson, D., Besbaci, M., Belabdi, I., Kalem, A., Kaidi, R., Johannisson, A., Morrell, J.M and Iguer-Ouada, M., (2023) Influence of the coincubation of post-thawed bull semen with elevated β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations on sperm characteristics. Reproduction in Domestic Animals.
Perrot, F., Joulié, A., Herry, V., Masset, N., Lemaire, G., Barral, A., Raboisson, D., Roy, C. and Herman, N. (2023) Failure of Passive Immunity Transfer Is Not a Risk Factor for Omphalitis in Beef Calves. Veterinary Sciences.
Robcis, R., Ferchiou, A., Berrada, M. and Raboisson, D. (2023) Management of Digital Dermatitis in Dairy Herds: Optimization and Time Allocation. Animals.
Robcis, R., Ferchiou, A., Berrada, M., Ndiaye, Y., Herman, N., Lhermie, G. and Raboisson, D. (2023) Cost of lameness in dairy herds: An integrated bioeconomic modeling approach. Journal of Dairy Science.
Ferchiou, A., Ndiaye, Y., Mandour, M.A, Herman, N., Lhermie, G. and Raboisson, D. (2023) The Marginal Abatement Cost of Antimicrobials for Dairy Cow Mastitis: A Bioeconomic Optimization Perspective. Veterinary Sciences.
In 2022
Manriquez, D., Costa, M., Ferchiou, A., Raboisson, D. and Lhermie, G. (2022) Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Assessing Social Acceptance of Strategies to Reduce Antimicrobial Use in the French Dairy Industry. Antibiotics.
Lhermie, G., Ndiaye, Y., Rushton, J. and Raboisson, D. (2022) Economic evaluation of antimicrobial use practices in animal agriculture: a case of poultry farming. JAC-Antimicrobal Resistance.
Berrada, M., Ndiaye, Y., Raboisson, D. and Lhermie, G. (2022) The gender wage gap in the French veterinary labor market. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.
Berrada, M., Ndiaye, Y., Raboisson, D. and Lhermie, G. (2022) Spatial evaluation of animal health care accessibility and veterinary shortage in France. Scientific Reports.
Malik, M.I, Rashid, M.A and Raboisson, D. (2022) Heat treatment of colostrum at 60°C decreases colostrum immunoglobulins but increases serum immunoglobulins and serum total protein: A meta-analysis. Journal of Dairy Science.
In 2021
Lhermie, G., Pica-Ciamarra, U., Newman, S., Raboisson, D. and Waret-Szkuta, A. (2021) Impact of Peste des petits ruminants for sub-Saharan African farmers: A bioeconomic household production model. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases.
Guinat, C., Tago, D., Corre, T., Selinger, C., Djidjou-Demasse, R., Paul, M., Raboisson, D., Nguyen Thi Thanh, T., Inui, K., Pham Thanh, L., Padungtod, P. and Vergne, T. (2021) Optimizing the early detection of low pathogenic avian influenza H7N9 virus in live bird markets. Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
Besbaci, M., Abdelli, A., Belabdi, J. and Raboisson, D. (2021) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs at embryo transfer on pregnancy rates in cows: A meta-analysis. Theriogenology.
Abdouttalib, I., Ndiaye, Y., Ferchiou, A., Raboisson, D. and Lhermie, G. (2021) The Association Between French Veterinary Practice Characteristics and Their Revenues and Veterinarian’s Time Use. Economic performance of French mixed veterinary practices. Frontiers in Veterinary Science.
Raboisson, D., Ferchiou, A., Sans, P., Lhermie, G., and Derville, M. (2021) Could Contracts between Pharmaceutical Firms and French Veterinarians Bias Prescription Behaviour: A Principal-Agency Theory Approach in the Context of Oligopolies. Antibiotics.
Attended conferences
For this year 2024
Nothing yet, more informations soon…
In 2020
Abdouttalib Ikram (2020) Time required by veterinarian to perform veterinary acts in routine : a regression analysis. ISESSAH Conference.
Raboisson D. et Lhermie G. (2020) Economic approaches applied to population health management:the animal and human cases. End day seminar ; Master Economics & Ecology ; TSE.
Raboisson D., Bornet R., Prat C., Ferchiou A., Lhermie G. (2020) Enjeux économiques de la COVID-19 : ajuster l’allocation de ressources sous contrainte. Scientific day ENVT.